Friday, May 19, 2017

And That's a Wrap

I got the message from Dave that Lhakpa made the decision for Dave to come back to base camp.  The supposed "weather window" is marginal at best and it could be days before there might be a chance.  It's just not worth the risk.  He is back at base camp now and we have finally been able to really text back and forth for the first time in a week.  He will be flying out to Khatmandu tomorrow and meet up with Tom and Brandon for their flight on Sunday.  He is obviously extremely disappointed.  I'm trying to keep the positivity going and convince him of what a great accomplishment the whole team has achieved.  

I'm sure this will be a tough time for all of these guys.  We can all say- but you basically made it!  And- but the most important thing is you are safe!  Which is all true, but the words fall a bit flat.  To train for months (years) and go through all of the hell it takes to get there- just to have it snatched out of your hands minutes before the finish line (because of factors beyond your control)... it will just take some time to process.

Thanks everyone for following along and supporting this incredible journey.  These four guys are amazing climbers but more importantly amazing men.  That's probably why so many people have tuned in... they have friends everywhere and are the kind of people you want to root for.  This has truly been an experience.  Can't wait to be reunited soon and hear all about it!


  1. They did awesome! Happy they are safe. Please send my appreciation to Dave for his inspiring so many to keep climing.
    Dustin Smith

  2. And now I'm bawling. It is such an amazing thing what they accomplished. So proud of Dave. I'm grateful he is safe and that he will be returning home Sunday. Big sigh of relief! XOXO

  3. Thank you Tiffany for your beautifully written blog taking us through this amazing journey of our Mt Everest team. We cannot be more proud these brave, strong wise men , because they did not go the last 300 feet risking their limbs their lives and summit status; now coming home safe to their families Congratulations team on your superhuman accomplishment! We love you! Connie ( David's mom)

  4. If there is a chance, some of the followers/ friends of the incredible guys would love to come to the airport and give them an awesome welcoming home. When you hear when they will be home could you possibly post it so we can go to the airport?

  5. It has been amazing to watch their journey and I know their hearts are heavy right now, I hope they can see what they've accomplished. They were basically within reach of that summit so in my heart, they did make it to the top. To think of the possibilities of what could have happened had they decided to keep going, is not worth the thought. Safety was the number one priority and I'm so glad for all of them and their loved ones that this decision was made. I've been fascinated by Everest for years and I'm so proud of each and every one of them for their cause, determination and the attempt. Of course we all wanted to see that moment at the top, but a few hundred feet away from it is good enough for me! I wouldn't have made it past BC! Congratulations to them all. Thank you for the great updates and allowing all of us to follow their incredible journey!
