Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Everest: No Respecter of Persons

Larry's Facebook Post:

Today I feel a bit like my 5 year-old boy Charlie attempting to scale the world's highest peak. The last 24 hours have been a humbling reminder that the mountain has no emotion and does not care - we are at her mercy and, in the words of Tenzing Norgay, can only hope she allows us to reach the summit as a child crawls onto his mother's lap. There is no conquering of this mountain.
We had received word yesterday morning that the fixed lines were placed to the summit. This early report was incorrect. Lines are in as high as The Balcony, but the Sherpas had to turn back due to deep snow and unsafe climbing​ conditions.
Weather the next few days calls for very heavy additional snow, meaning it's very unlikely IMO that the lines will be in for at least several more days - assuming the forecast is accurate.
Bottom line, we will continue to be patient and adjust our schedule as needed. But our window of reaching the summit on May 16th as we were planning, is seeming increasingly unlikely.
For now, we're staying in Namche for one more night with plans to return to EBC tomorrow. Hoping we can start moving up the mountain within a few days, but the weather and Sagarmatha dictate those plans. We will do what is safe.
Once we do start moving, our planned schedule looks like this:
Day 1: EBC to C2
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Move to C3 - start O2
Day 4: Move to South Col (C4)
Day 5: Summit, descend as low as possible, ideally C2
Day 6: Descend to EBC
Day 7: Return to Kathmandu by chopper and fly home as soon as flights can be arranged

Despite the bummer news of the past 24 hours, we all remain optimistic and hopeful. Just a stark reminder of the need to be patient and that we are not in charge, the mountain is.
As an aside, today is Buddha's birthday celebration in Namche. We are about to witness a parade from the monastery. One of the Buddha quotes hanging on a banner in town reads:
"There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills."
So I'll say it again - Climb On!!

Having the guys go back to EBC is good because they will be in position but just tougher conditions up there.  Also, the internet is pretty spotty so it will be back to random small spurts of communication.  I have enjoyed talking on the phone and being able to text with Dave a ton these last few days as well as get these awesome long updates from Larry.  Each day, I constantly refresh several different blogs I have found of teams who are up there and others who seem to have inside information.  It's helpful to me because these are some of the only places on the internet I can actually go that speak positively about this journey- and come from knowledgeable people who are not skewed by sensationalism.  Once I tried to google "Everest wives support"... yeah, that doesn't really exist (and not a great idea to look anything like that up by the way haha.)  Chaci, Prairie and I (Brandon and Larry's wives) have each other which is such a blessing!

These guys have such a great outlook at a time where I'm sure it is difficult to stay positive.  Dave told me yesterday that he is in it for the long haul, if there is a chance to summit he will stay to do it.  Thankfully there are so many great people at home who help support the rest of us.  There was a time a few days ago I though he might be able to get up there early and come back within the next week.  I should know better than to get my hopes up- this isn't my first rodeo :)

1 comment:

  1. We are cheering for you every step of the way (their steps and yours)! Love you T! Aunt T
