Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Waiting Game

Just wanted to post that I don't have much news at this point.  I was able to message with Lhakpa yesterday and he told me the team was doing great at camp 1 and was moving to camp 2 today.  Dave warned me that there might not be internet up there so we will just wait some more.  Lhakpa said he would keep me updated so that is comforting.  The guys are planning to "touch" camp 3 tomorrow, then camp for one more night up there.  The should be back to base camp on Thursday, can't wait to hear all about it!


  1. I just found this on your IG profile- what an awesome idea! Thanks! You get a lot more info than I do, so it was fun to find all your details!

  2. Thank you so much for the update! I was wondering how they were all doing. Really appreciate it! :)

  3. Fun to follow their adventure. Thanks for keeping us updated Tiffany.
    Real cool interactive VR experience on SI.com today: https://www.si.com/specials/everest-climb-virtual-reality/index.html ...well worth exploring the content. I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but comforting to know all 7 Climbers, 5 Guides and 15 Sherpas made it back safe and sound.
    Excited to hear how they're doing!

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